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What is Evergreen Content? Updated for 2020

Depending how much reading you have done on online content marketing you may or may not have come across the phrase ‘Evergreen Content‘. I think the name comes from the gardening world of Evergreen plants that stay Green all year round, therefore you continue to benefit from the same plant.

Evergreen plants, recycle your enjoyment!

Evergreen plants, recycle your enjoyment!

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Evergreen content is timeless, it will never go out date and is always relevant

Why is Evergreen content useful?

As per the evergreen plants, Evergreen content also keeps providing useful information and never goes out of date.
Having content on your site that never goes out of date equals better search ranking for quality content, which in turn equals more traffic funnelled to your sales pages.

Examples of types of Evergreen content

As mentioned above Evergreen content never goes out of date, to give you some ideas here are some examples you can use as inspiration:
  • Product Reviews
  • How to guides
  • Answer Questions

How you can make the most of Evergreen blog posts?

We all know how time-consuming thinking of a subject to write about, then actually doing the writing itself. Then there is the research that you might need to do before you start, it all starts to add up. Some subjects are harder than others too and can take up more of your time.
Your content is very valuable!
So it makes sense to try and get the most out of your valuable contact. This is where Social Media comes in, whether you use Facebook, Twitter or any of the other many networks out there highlighting your post on Social Media ensures your followers and fans know of your new post.
The problem is that not all your followers are online at the time you send out that Tweet to your newly created article.
By using GOYakka you can schedule social media posts to repost at a later date. Because the content is evergreen it will never go out of date. Therefore, by recycling your social networks posts that are advertising your new blog post you will increase your reach by 4x!

How to benefit from Evergreen Social Media posts

It’s not just blog posts that you can create evergreen content for, you can also do this for Facebook, Twitter or event LinkedIn posts.
Have you ever struggled to think of new Tweets or Facebook posts?
With GOYakka you can recycle your evergreen social media posts so that they are re-sent at a later date, automatically!
Just add new content as and when you have time to write or have thought about a new post subject and GOYakka will increase the amount of eyes that see your posts!

What should you include in your content?

So now you know what to write about and how to make sure as many people see your new content, is there anything that you SHOULD include in your blog post or just as important anything you shouldn’t?
  • I recommend including supporting data about your post, it shows you have done your research and adds extra value to the post.

    By recycling your social media posts it will increase the amount of views by 4x

  • Because the post is Evergreen it will not go out of date, therefore if possible do not include a publish date.
  • Finally, I always think adding your own thoughts to a post lets the reader identify with you and your post becomes more personal.

Creating Evergreen Content

I know what you’re thinking, I have the subject I wish to write about but how do I pad it out enough to make a decent article?
We have put some ideas together to help you create the very best evergreen content you can.

Be the best, outperform your competition

Quite simply the aim is to create the best possible content, much much better than anyone else’s out there. By producing a post which is better, more comprehensive and provides more answers for the reader will in time rank better in search engines than your competitors.

Understand your competition

How do you know how good is good when it comes to writing content?
I recommend entering your subject into search engines and then read the top three articles, they are the ones your new post will need to beat. They have made it to the top of the results because they have produced good content.
Only by understanding the quality and quantity of your competitor’s articles will you know how awesome your post needs and WILL be!

Make it fun include diagrams and images

Unless you are reading a whitepaper nobody just wants to see a load of text on a page. Add some life to your post with images, photos, infographics and diagrams. There are many online tools like Canva which can help you create some graphics.
By making your article fun and enjoyable to read will not only encourage people to finish reading the article and maybe read another one of yours, but will hopefully shout about it to their friends too!

Update when needed

Some evergreen posts like roundups, top tens or ‘best of’ posts can sometimes go out of date, after all, if you created a post about ‘The top 10 social media management tools‘, which of course GOYakka would be number 1, new products get created and some disappear so the list would need updating.
By making sure your content is relevant and up to date, it will ensure your work will continue to attract new readers to your website.

Provide useful information not rubbish

It is very easy to write mediocre content just to fill a page, we have all been there and if I am honest I still do sometimes (always learning!). It’s a learning process, the more you write the more you will understand how to create the best quality evergreen content possible. Don’t settle for less, create content you would like to read yourself, that’s a pretty good rule of thumb.
Once all this is done, you will have the best evergreen content which people will love, link to and tell everyone else about!
Time to treat yourself to some chocolate, well done!
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="">#Facebook</a> Facts: 50% of 18-24 yrs check Facebook as soon as they wake up, they must be looking for GOYakka! :)</p>— GOYakka (@GOYakka) <a href="">June 28, 2016</a></blockquote> <script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

Written by Stuart Cole

Stuart Cole has been running internet businesses since 1996 and has been concentrating on his popular group of Apps since 2015. A regular author on topics like social media, search engine optimisation and conversion rate optimisation.

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