Twitter to allow anyone to be verified!
Twitter have now opened up the “Verified Account” option to all, but it is not just a simple checkbox to tick you have to prove you deserve it!
Before now Twitter has only allowed the little blue Twitter tick for celebrities and famous to verify their accounts, it was a way for people to know they are following the right people and not some fake Twitter account.
I never knew why they didn’t open this option up to anyone from the start, it made sense and I can’t see any reason why they didn’t. Anyway that is now in the past and this option is now available to YOU!
Add a Verified Tick and add TRUST to your account and posts!
So, what do you need to do to get your little blue tick?
First off make sure you are signed into Twitter with the correct account.
Head over to their dedicated page and follow their instructions: CLICK TO TWITTER VERIFIED PAGE
Then you will need to confirm that the account is either for a person or a company. Twitter will ask you for some supporting information like links from other websites to help they confirm that this account is run by the correct people.
You will have to make sure all the boxes are ticked in your Twitter account including:
- Ensure you have a representative header image
- Make sure your profile image is representative
- You will need a verified phone number connected to the account
- You will need a website connected to the account
- Although they don’t say it but having a “Follow us” Twitter button on your website should help
- If the account is a personal (rather than for a company) you will need your birthday updated
Twitter will ask several other questions including supporting links to your website from other websites.
Once completed it will take up to 30 days for Twitter to confirm you now have a tick.