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Twitters NEW Direct Message Filter

Do you receive a lot of those annoying Direct messages on Twitter from people who are not following you?
You know the type of messages, they tend to be from someone who wants you to do them a “favour” or for you to spend your hard earned money with them.
This problem is particularly true for Tweeters who have set their Twitter account setting to allow anyone to be able to direct message them.

If this problem annoys you then you are going to love this news!
twitter has launched a brand new filter which allows you to filter out annoying messages! Wohoo!


Try Free GOYakka For Yourself!

How this works is that when a new Direct message comes in the message will be sent to the “requests” inbox. From there you will get the option to either “accept” or “delete” the request.

If you are worried that your new wannabee friend might get sad because you deleted their request, don’t worry, they won’t know what you decide.

So, try it out and let me know how you got on.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="">#Facebook</a> Facts: 50% of 18-24 yrs check Facebook as soon as they wake up, they must be looking for GOYakka! :)</p>— GOYakka (@GOYakka) <a href="">June 28, 2016</a></blockquote> <script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

Written by Stuart Cole

Stuart Cole has been running internet businesses since 1996 and has been concentrating on his popular group of Apps since 2015. A regular author on topics like social media, search engine optimisation and conversion rate optimisation.

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