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Why Should I Get My Twitter Account Verified?

Why Should I Get My Twitter Account Verified? Stuart Cole Twitter have recently opened their doors to allow anyone with a Twitter account to get their account verified. If you have not heard about this we recommend you quickly read our recent post on “Twitter to...

Twitter to allow anyone to be verified!

Twitter to allow anyone to be verified! Stuart Cole Twitter have now opened up the “Verified Account” option to all, but it is not just a simple checkbox to tick you have to prove you deserve it! Before now Twitter has only allowed the little blue Twitter...

Facebook to increase friends posts

Facebook to increase friends posts Stuart Cole Recently Facebook have announced a change in the way they will display business pages in your personal timeline. This change will make a difference if you either manage a business page or follow one. Facebook have decided...

Welcome to GOYakka!

Welcome to GOYakka! Stuart Cole Welcome to GOYakka’s first official blog post! So I guess our first blog post should really be about introducing you to GOYakka and some of the powerful ways it can help you manage your online content. First off let me introduce...