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GOYakka Beta Invite

BETA Account

GOYakka is currently in Beta whilst we tweak our system to run as smoothly as possible and to fix any bugs that might raise their heads.
As a GOYakka Beta account holder you will experience our new social media management App before it is live to the general public.


  • Help create a tool which is perfect for your business, we will take on board your feedback and implement your requests. Having our App in Beta allows us to quickly make improvements and changes.
  • Whilst GOYakka is in Beta it is completely free and at anytime you wish to close your account and export your data, that is fine too. Although we hope that you will want to stay.
  • Rewards, did we mention that as a Beta account holder you will be inundated with rewards? Well, you will be. Plus you will get to use all our new functions currently being developed before everyone else.
So, give GOYakka a try, it costs nothing and you will never look back!

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